Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Antique Jars

I recently discovered Pinterest, and let me tell you, I lo-ove it! What a great place to find project ideas and inspiration! I saw the idea for these soap dispensers made with antique canning jars, and I just had to make them. They are so cute, and it was so easy! I just used a hammer and nail to make a hole in the top of the lids, and made the hole just the right size with some needle nose pliers. Then I inserted the soap pumps that I already had...and done! I didn't even have to use any kind of glue or anything, they seem to be staying in place just fine. One holds dishwashing soap in my kitchen, and the other is for hand washing in the bathroom. Isn't the aqua color of the jars so pretty? I wonder why they stopped making canning jars colored like this?

Speaking of antique canning jars, earlier this month I found this:
I was with my husband in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania for a weekend getaway, and we went to visit one of my favorite places in Bird-in-Hand. (Isn't "Bird-in-Hand" such a cute name for a town? My great-grandmother was born there!) The last time I visited this shop in Bird-in-Hand, it was called "Old Village Store" (or something like that), and now it is "Old Village Antiques". It is absolutely packed with antiques! We spent quite a while in there. Hours, maybe. My husband found a whole shelf full of jars of buttons for me, and I chose this one. It has so many buttons in it, I figured I only needed one...for now.