Here's the mission statement we came up with: "Our mission is to provide help and hope to those who need it: meeting physical needs such as food and clothing, and meeting spiritual needs by sharing the hope we have found in Messiah Yeshua and proclaiming His Truth."
We have three ongoing projects:
Tikvah's Closet, where we collect gently used and new clothing to distribute to those who need it;
Tikvah's Pantry, where we collect food and distribute it to those who are hungry; and
Handmade Tikvah, where we make and donate handmade items.
We've also started a weekly Torah study that meets at our house at 2 pm every Saturday, where Robert leads us in study and discussion of the weekly Torah portion.
So far it's going great, and we're excited! We've been able to provide clothing for five different families, and we've donated school supplies to families and schools. We are getting ready to put together food baskets for Thanksgiving to give to a few families so they will have a nice Thanksgiving dinner. We are working on a project through Craft Hope, making pillowcase dresses for girls around the world. And we have a few regular attenders at our weekly Torah study.
We need more space to store the food and clothing, so we are making plans to remodel our garage for a Yesh Tikvah Ministries headquarters building.
Thanks to Haley, we have a website, a Facebook page, and a newsletter that goes out every week. If you're interested, go to and sign up for the newsletter...then go like us on Facebook!
Here are those links again:
Yesh Tikvah Ministries Website
Yesh Tikvah Ministries Facebook Page
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